{$str.len abcd}

str.len returns the length of a string.

{$str.index abcd 2}

str.index returns the character at a given index within a string.

{$str.range abcd 0 2}

str.range returns a substring, identified by two indexes within a string.

{$str.join , {a b c}}

str.join joins a list of strings, with a delimiter.

{$str.split a,b,c ,}

str.split splits a string, by a delimiter.

{$str.ord a}

str.ord returns the numeric value of a character.

{$str.chr 0x61}

str.chr returns the character associated with a given numeric value.

{$str.expand {a\tb}}

str.expand expands escape sequences in a string.

{$str.in bc abcd}

str.in determines whether a string is a subset of another string.

{$rtrim {a b  }}

rtrim removes trailing whitespace from a string.

{$ltrim {a b  }}

ltrim removes leading whitespace from a string.